
In broad daylight, a random group of individuals collide and interact, each a unique puzzle of impressions and memories, delicately wrapped in personal pasts and social backgrounds. As these are exposed, the dancers mix and match in a dance of personal and collective memories.

Amidst the turmoil and clashes, new languages are found in a process of exchanging each other's stories and conditions - a Babylonian feast.

In Kikar, cultural, psychological and biological depths are revealed in their unyielding truths. The performers show human behavior in a public square, a collision of borderline bodily behaviors, as each reveals and expresses their individually triggered state of Saudade. Saudade: A deeply emotional and nostalgic state of missing an irretrievable object, and its spontaneously revived reminiscence - a journey back in time to the pleasant moments that linger within - a déjà vu.

Saudade's personal stories portrait and caricature the performers. And stitch after stitch, the bodily memories fragment and gradually dissolve the collective image. It loses its shape, and the individual movement takes over. The mundane, the banal, the ordinary - with each stitch, the dance becomes de-ritualized and gives way to an archaic aspiration.

In Kikar, dancers and performers who were originally strangers to each other are brought together. German dancers from Berlin and Brazilian dancers from Sao Paulo meet and are forced to define themselves anew, expressing on a bodily level their own person, nationality, hopes and desires. They are strangers in a public scenario, at odds, with tendencies to approach and retreat.


Sao Paulo / 2012 / SESC Pinheiros / 80 Min

Director: Nir de Volff
Assistant Director: Luiza Assumpção Ribeiro do Valle
Music/performer: Claus Wilhelm Erbskorn
Performers: Chris Scherer, Katharina Maschenka Horn, Jerônimo Bittencourt Ribeiro, Natália Fernandes e Simone Camargo
Guest performers: Rodrigo Mello and Lia Levin
Set and Costume Design: Julio Cesarini
Lighting designer: Alessandra Domingues
Sound technician: André Lucena
Technical set design: Wanderlei Wagner da Silva
Photos: Ana Fuccia
Production management:

Co-production of TOTAL BRUTAL supported by the SESC Pihneiros Theater, the Goethe Institute of Sao Paulo and the Jewish Cultural Center of Sao Paulo.